"I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).  It seems a little strange that this is the final orphanage post in 2012.  This year has flown by, especially the past 7 months.  As I take time to reflect on the past year, as I'm sure many of you are doing, I am truly "...utterly astounded..." at the work the Lord has down in my days (Habakkuk 1:5).  So much so, its hard to grasp at times.  I feel more blessed then ever before with what He is allowing me to be a part of...and not just ME, but each of you as well.  God has brought this wonderful group of believers, churches, family and friends, together to watch Him do a work in Bachiniva Mexico.  There have been many blessings, challenges, open doors, closed doors and the unknown that causes you to trust in Him all the more.  Yet, God has been faithful to show Himself strong...and lead and guide and provide for our every step and need!

It seems like this verse in Acts, that speaks of more blessings flowing from those that give rather then receive, has come radically to life.  Often times we think of one thing when we read that verse..."it must be speaking of money".  That is definitely a part of that verse, and I have seen and witnessed the blessings flowing from all those who have given financially.

We have seen people give financially...over $30,000 has been donated from people and churches all over the states, excited to be a part of God's work. I received a check in the mail from a Christian school in El Paso TX...that took up a "Great Giving" offering for the orphanage in the amount of $340.00.  They also informed me that the school has decided to to collect an offering every month and donate it to the orphanage. The other night, as we were celebrating Christmas with my mom and family, my heart was truly blessed.  We have this game we play every Christmas which always has cash prizes.  By the end of the night, as it was coming time to head home, two of my nieces and one of my nephews came up to me and gave me the money they had won..."we want this to go to buy things for the orphanage".  I told them they didn't have to do that, that was there money to spend on whatever they wanted.  They simply replied, " Uncle Jason, we want to give this to the orphanage, please!"

As wonderful as its been watching the Lord provide financially...it has been just as big a blessing, if not more, watching how people give in other ways.  You have given hours over to prayer...praying for my family, the ministry, the orphanage, orphans, safety, protection, wisdom, good health, etc, etc..!  We have seen those prayers answered every day and know now more then ever before that "..the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16).

We have seen people give of their time, coming down on trips to build.  Not only just from the states, but locals in Bachiniva...that have given hours and hours of labor in building the orphanage.  And as a result, over a 4 month period, we have a 7200 square foot facility that is almost complete.

In all of this...all that has happened the past 4 months, it has been birthed from hearts that want to give...and NOT receive.  And yet, I imagine that those of you that have given, probably feel more blessed then we do.  That is all the more a confirmation of those words that Jesus spoke, "...it is more blessed to give then to receive"

So...preparing for the new year and all the new things that God is going to do, I have one prayer and desire...Lord, teach me how to GIVE MORE.  Not just financially, but prayerfully, through my time, my life, my deeds, my everything.  Help me to be spent for You...knowing that that is where I will find the biggest blessing of all!

Friends and family, I don't know what kinds of things the Lord has in store for you in 2013.  Maybe nothing but good things, or maybe some of the most difficult trials you will ever face.  However, we have hope, knowing that whatever lays ahead in the coming year, its all good...for His glory, for His honor, for His praise.  Nothing will take place that hasn't been thought through, planned, orchestrated or ordained for your life...to make you a better and stronger person...AND...to fall more in love with Jesus!

Looking forward to continuing this journey with each of you and pray that you all have a wonderful and blessed New Year!

With much love...Jason, Jackie and Ayantu



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