Feliz cumpleaños Ayantu! 10 years old, wow! We love you! ❤️
Yesterday we celebrated Irene’s 10th birthday! We love Irene, and her fun spirit! Please keep her in your prayers!
Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
The kids had a lot of fun making valentine’s in English class! They even wrote a little poem in English.
Feliz cumpleaños Idaly y Rey David! 🎉❤️
Christmas gift exchange!
Craft time!
Feliz cumpleaños Sarahí!
Wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving!
Love, the casa de bendicion family
Such a sweet sight this morning. Gladis, Bertha, and Diana highlighting verses! Keep them in your prayers this week! #hoborphanage
Check out our new blog post about how English class is going on our website at: www.thehouseofblessing.org
Happy Friday! This cute smile is brought to you by sweet little Bertha! Keep her in your thoughts and prayers today! #hoborphanage
Revolution Day was yesterday, and what better way to celebrate then a parade!! It was so much fun seeing the kids participating in the parade!
A church from another town came and richly blessed our kids for "día de los niños." Lots of candy, soccer, piñatas, presents, singing and dancing. Muchísimo gracias!
Please be praying for our newest little addition to the Casa de Bendición family. Diana, 3 years old!