"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). I've been meditating a lot on this verse the past few days, as I contemplate and process my phone conversation on Friday with Ray Wilson. It was such a blessing to be able to connect with him and hear what the Lord did, during his trip down to Creel Mexico. So many things took place on his trip, I will do my best to sum up the hour and a half phone conversation in this post.
As most of you are aware, Ray went down to Mexico for a two reasons. First of all, to meet with lawyers, officials, Indian affairs workers, etc to work on some legal things and get some advice and direction. And then, of course, to meet with Lino, Lupe and the Mennonites regarding the future for the children's home in Creel. On Monday, Ray met with a new lawyer, whom the Lord totally brought across his path...a little un-expectantly. He spoke english and was a tremendous help. He offered his services to continue to help Ray and their ministry with legal matters. By the end of the 2 hour meeting, Ray figured it was going to cost a small fortune to pay. However, all that was asked of him was to put a little donation (in a small box) that goes towards helping those who are sick and in need.
From there, Ray met with the Tarahumara Indian affairs. He shared with them their desire to move the children to a new facility for better care. The director and others that were in the meeting were very supportive. They did share some things we would need to do beforehand, regarding the children, however, there are no problems in moving them. They informed Ray that he and the organization (Black Buffalo) would have the full weight and support of the Tarahumara Indian Affairs office during this transition...and would like to help in any way they can. Thanks you Jesus!
Tuesday came and it was time to head up to Creel for the next meeting. Ray described the way in which the Mennonites came onto the property as, "looked like the mafia had arrived". They pulled up in Suburbans and 10 men came out looking very serious. However, they were just mere men, brothers in Christ, looking for a way to best minister and care for these kids. I think the "mafia" type feeling for Ray faded away very quickly. The meeting consisted of the Mennonite brothers, Leno, Lupe, Ray and 2 translators (John and Jeff). Lupe led the meeting off in prayer and then asked Ray if he would share with the Mennonites the history of this children's home and why they have come to the place they are at now. Ray began to share, explain and convey their desire for the future of the children here. Bradley, who was representing the Mennonites, asked Ray to explain what options he has considered, for the children and home. Ray summed things up with these 5 options below...
- Close the orphanage (something he has zero desire to do)
- Relocate the children to Bachiniva to be cared for at the "Casa de Bendicion"
- Drastically reduce the number of kids in the Creel home and budget...so that they can facilitate on a smaller scale (another option Ray was not excited about)
- Sell the property and have another organization completely take over
- Have someone buy the property and then continue to partner with Ray and Black Buffalo Ministries!
There were a number of other small meetings/conversations that took place and one of those was between Bradley and Ray. He had asked Ray reasons, concerns, apprehensions he had about the situation, Lino and Lupe, the home, etc. Ray shared some of those things which were a help to Bradley...AND...cleared up a lot of things. You see, prior to this meeting, all that the Mennonites had heard initially was coming from Leno and Lupe. What was conveyed to them was not the truth regarding Ray, Pastor Luis, or our trip to Creel, etc. So, this meeting was a huge help and blessing to the Mennonites...so much so, that Bradley apologized for his initial response months ago, because he didn't have all the facts. The meetings that took place that day and the focus was all about the kids, their care and future. It wasn't about Lino and Lupe. There was not indication that the Mennonites were coming to the rescue of them, rather, we want to help minister and care for these kids...IF...there is a need for that. Bradley also answered a few of Rays questions, regarding the Mennonite reason and desire to be involved in Creel. Bradley shared a few of the following things...
- They have always wanted to start a work up in Creel over the years, but have run into legal difficulties and not finding a place to build. Which has led them to be involved in the current children's home.
- The more the merrier....they desire not that this home would be closed, but that there would be 10 more homes all over because of the need!
- We want what the LORD wants...and do NOT want to get in the way of that
Please continue to pray for Ray and his ministry. As soon as he hears back from the Mennonites as to what they may want to do, he will then bring that to his board and begin to pray on what decision to make. Either way, God will be glorified, kids will be loved on and lives will be changed. I just feel so blessed to be a part of that work!
"But as for me, I would seek God and to God I would commit my cause, who does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number" (Job 5:8-9).
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