“Man goes out to his work and to his labor until the evening” (Psalm 104:23). We are officially off and running with this massive building project. The land has been purchased, the plans are finished and the work has begun. As many of you were praying, our desire has been to hire locals to help build the orphanage. We feel this is the best way for two reasons. First of all, it enables the building to continue and not rely on only American teams coming down. Second...which is the most exciting part, is to bless men with jobs. Work is incredibly scarce down here. The apple season was horrible and the majority of people have been with out work for months. Many do anything and everything they can just to buy food to survive. Someone who has a decent job makes about 150 pesos a day (12 USD). I still can’t believe that. How in the world can you survive off of 12 dollars A DAY? This is usually just enough for some food and maybe propane to cook with. We prayed on what would be a good wage to pay the workers and Luis said 200 pesos (15 USD) for laborers and 250 pesos (19 USD) for block layers.
Pastor Luis and Nieves put the word out that we were looking for workers and invited them to a meeting last night after church. Seven brothers showed up...eager to hear what’s going on..some of them believers, some non-believers. Pastor Luis shared his heart and desire for his fellow Bachinivites and then I was able to share the overall vision for the Orphanage and project. As I sat back and observed my heart raced with excitement. All these years we have brought down teams to do the bulk of building projects...but now...these brothers are going to play a huge role in one of the biggest projects we have done yet. They love the thought of joining those from the states to accomplish this orphanage building.
By the end of the meeting all of these brothers were anxious, excited and eager to get started. By the looks on their faces and questions they were asking, I realized that they weren’t just here for the money, but also, they loved the thought of being apart of something that helps others in need. This amazed me because most of them are in need themselves. Brothers who are in need helping children who are in need...wow that is the heart of the Lord! After explaining the rules, requirements AND most importantly that this whole project is to honor and glorify the Lord, all seven of them quickly raised their hands to start working.
Our work day will start at 7:30 AM with 20-30 minutes of prayer and a little devotional. There was no hesitation from the men when we shared that this was a requirement. We will work 8-9 hour days throughout the week and then a 4 hour day on Saturday. On saturday to seal our work week, we’ll provide a big lunch and cokes for the brothers to break bread together and thank the Lord for all that was accomplished that week
Please pray for these men...Carlos, Chayo, Eloy, Alejo, Jorge, Lico and Florentino. Pray for those who don’t know the Lord, that their hearts will be softened and they would come to know Jesus is the WAY, TRUTH and LIFE. Pray for safety during the work day. Also, please pray that those who struggle with alcohol will be able to stay sober and know that Jesus can give them victory over their addictions. It is going to be so exciting to watch what the Lord does in the lives of these men and the project over the next 6-8 weeks.
I will be posting pictures throughout the process to give you a glance at all tha God does!
Thank you Jesus...You are an amazing God!
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