Proverbs 13:12...                                                                                                             “Hope deferred makes the heart sick...” I read something really encouraging this past week in my devotions.  John Courson said this, in his commentary on this verse...

“God makes a PROMISE, FAITH believes it, HOPE anticipates it and PATIENCE waits quietly for it.”

There is nothing greater, then when you see one of God’s promises fulfilled, especially after you have waited a very long time.  I’d like to say that I always wait PATIENTLY, but that is not usually the case.  Many a times I have tried to make things happen on my own.  This always fails, and usually leaves me more frustrated and discouraged.

There is a reason why Jesus tells us in Matthew 6, “...not to worry about tomorrow...”, and in Philippians 4, “ anxious for NOTHING...” In those times when your not anxious, your not worrying, and your just focusing on what’s in front of you, that is when the Lord responds, and often answers His promises.

I was going about my day on Thursday, doing my normal administrative duties in my office, when my phone rang.  It was my cousin, letting me know that CFE was there and turned the power on.  I couldn’t believe it, and yet, at the same time, I COULD...because God promised He would do so, and He never fails.  We needed one last piece hooked up, which our Mennonite friends did early Friday morning, and the time FINALLY turn on the power.  One might think its ridiculous to get emotional about turning on a light switch, but not this brother.  The emotional part was not that the lights now turned on without a generator, rather, it was contemplating on the faithfulness of God.  Have you ever had one of those moments, where you are so thankful, grateful, amazed at how wonderful our God is, that it stirs up deep emotions, maybe even some tears?  Saints, take every chance you can to sit in awe, wander and even tears, at how incredible our Lord is.  When you do so, you will only fall more in love with Him!

Psalm 118:24...                                                                                                                    “This is the day that the Lord has made...let us REJOICE and be glad in it”

Friday night is usually family night with the Vargas’ and we all were ecstatic to have it at the orphanage.  The evening was full of food, laughter, rejoicing, turning of all the lights and playing hide and go seek (quite scary trying to find someone in the pitch black, in a 7,000 SQ foot building) and then a time of prayer and worship.  We built a bonfire and spent the rest of our time worshipping and praising our Lord.  It was a glorious day and we are rejoicing in this great blessing from the Lord.  Looking forward to the next one!

Our newly installed meter...the only time it will ever read "zero"...


Planning the final hook up...

IMG_8106Pastor Luis working his magic...

IMG_8108Let there be light...without a generator...!

IMG_8113Prayer and worship by the bonfire...


Habakkuk 1:5...                                                                                                                   “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.”


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