"Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?” Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God" (Acts 8:36-37). Have you ever wondered what exactly that "water" was? Was the eunuch pointing to a pond, river or maybe a lake?
I have been a part of many baptisms in my day...witnessing people make that 'outward profession' of their 'inward change'. These have taken place in all kinds of water...pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, hot tubs and ponds. This past Sunday, I along with some 80 other people, were able to witness the joyous celebration of our dear brother Pancho's baptism. It was an incredibly special day. Because of Pancho's health, it would have been too difficult to take him to the usual spot...SO...we brought an old bath tub to the church, and had it outside. This indeed was a first, but probably one of the most powerful baptisms I've ever been a part of.
I had the privilege of leading us in a worship song, and we sang Pancho's favorite song, "Levanto Mis Manos" (I Lift My Hands). Please take time to go online and listen to one of the most beautiful worship songs. So fitting for this brother and his state!
I lift up my hands to you even when my strength is failing. I lift up my hands to you even when my life is troubled. When I lift up my hands, I begin to feel Your spirit that moves me to sing. When I lift up my hands, I begin to feel, a fire burning in me. When I lift up my hands my burdens are gone. You give me, the strength that I need. Lord, anything is possible, anything is possible, When I lift up my hands to You.
Hands were raised, voices were lifted, tears were flowing and my heart was overwhelmed. As I watched this weak and feeble man raise his hands to his Lord, any little problem or difficulty that I have seemed to fade away, 'in the light of His glory and grace!'
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