“I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.  I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of Your deeds.  Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; Who is so great a God as our God?  You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. Psalm 77:11-14. My sister sent me this verse yesterday in an email.  It was incredibly timely as we continue to watch the Lord do WONDERS in our midst regarding the orphanage.  The Lord brought us the opportunity to inquire on a piece of land that we thought was 25 acres.  After multiple trips to Cualtemoc, meetings with lawyers and other officials, God gave us the land as of yesterday afternoon...not just 25 acres but 39 acres.  As we walked out of the lawyers office I was a little dumbfounded trying to grasp what just happened.  That seems to be a reoccurring thing, which I am thankful for.  It seems that if you can’t explain it...or it doesn’t make sense...then it must be from the Lord.  And that is exactly what continues to take place as the the Lord does wonders.  I know many of you were praying for us specifically for the land the past few days and I thank you so much for that.  How good to know those prayers were answered!

Another one of those “wonders” came in the form of down-comforters.  The Vargas’ son-in-law, Ricky, works for the Hilton Hotel in New Mexico.  They informed us that occasionally the hotel donates items that are old or no longer needed.  One of those items are down-comforters for their beds.  If there is a spot or a little something wrong with it, they replace them with new ones. I wrote a letter informing them about the orphanage and asked to be considered if they do indeed give some away.  We got a phone call a few days ago saying 6 boxes full of down-comforters have been donated to the orphanage...and possibly more to come.  They are replacing all of the beds with new ones in January...and may have more for us.  Isn’t that amazing...that God would be mindful of these precious lambs to give them not just blankets, but down-comforters to keep them warm? “Who is so great a God as our God?



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