“I say to you, though he will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his PERSISTENCE he will rise and give him as many as he needs” (Luke 11:8). I heard a wonderful message by Pastor Clift Barnes of Horizon Christian Fellowship, last weekend when I was in El Paso.  The message was taken from Luke 11:5-13, and was about the “persistence of prayer”.  This came at a much needed time, as we continue to wait on the Lord for answers to our prayers.

Let’s be honest, no one likes waiting.  It can be very hard, difficult, lonely and discouraging.  However, in those “waiting” times, we can also grow the most, as the Lord is molding and shaping us...desiring to teach us more about Him.  David Guzik wrote this, in his commentary on this passage in Luke, that really stirred my heart and thinking...

“God often waits for our passionate persistence in prayer.  It isn’t that God is reluctant and needs to be persuaded.  Our persistence doesn’t change God; it changes US, developing in us a heart and passion for what GOD wants”

The more persistence we are in our prayers, the more the Lord changes US.  What a blessing that is to know, that even in the quiet times, the Lord is still working.

I share that with you so that you can join us, during this “waiting” and “persistence in prayer” time, regarding the electrical work for the facility.  The Mennonites have agreed do the electrical work for us, but are waiting on CFE (Mexico’s electric company) to come and approve before they can get started.  Over the past 2 weeks, they have told us they were coming out 3 different times, and yet have never showed up.  I am determined that rather then get discouraged, I’m going to be encouraged...to continue, persistently praying and giving this over to the Lord.  Will you continue to pray along with us?

Thank you very much....





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