Pastor Luis, Jose and I woke up early, saddled our horses, and began our journey to check out and pray over the potential orphanage land.  I must admit I was greatly looking forward to riding horses.  At first, it was looking like our transportation would be a truck, as we had a hard time tracking down 2 more horses.  However, the Lord provided and I got to ride Zorro, a rodeo horse.  It took us about twenty minutes from the Vargas house to the property.  God gave us a beautiful sunny day to ride.  It was so surreal thinking about all that God had done, and desires to do now and in the days to come.  It feels like I have to pinch myself every so often to make sure this is truly happening.  Am I really riding a horse, in Mexico, going to check out a potential 25 acre piece of land where an orphanage will be built to house, care for and minister to over 35 orphans.  WOW.  Truly something only the Creator and Sustainer of life could do. Once we reached our destination my heart began to leap as I looked at how big, wide and long this piece of land is.  Pastor Luis was able to convey where he saw things being built and laid out and it confirmed all that was on my heart.  The first piece of land will serve as the entrance leading to the second piece where the orphanage, our house and future facilities will be built.  Its an old apple orchard which will need to be torn down...but...will provide firewood to heat the orphanage.  As we continued onto the 3rd section, Luis explained all that would be planted, beans, oats, corn, help feed the children.  There is also plenty of room for the cows (which we already have 2) to be milked.  The milk will be pasturized there and then in the future be used to make cheese.  As we continued on into more rocky terrain, Pastor Luis explained how perfect this is for the cows and horses to graze.  Lots of room for them to roam and eat and save us money on feed.  Finally, we reached the end of the property, and a flat area with a lot of beautiful rocks and stones.  Immediately I envisioned a little prayer chapel, built out of stones.  A place on the farthest corner of the property, which overlooks all of San Jose and Bachiniva, where you can pray, worship and meet with the Lord.  I think this was one of my favorite spots.  With that in mind, the 3 of us spent the next forty minutes or so in an incredible time of prayer and worship...seeking the Lord for final confirmation.  By the end of our time, the Lord had given all of us His peace, which surpasses all understanding, that this indeed is to be the home of Casa De Bendicion.

We have left a message with the owner of the land, who lives in Cualtemoc.  The team will be heading there on Saturday to hangout, so Lord willing, we can connect with him and sign papers, etc.  Please join us as we continue to pray that the Lord will lead us.  Pray that we can connect with the owner and the signing of paperwork and sale of the land goes smoothly.  Pray that we can be a witness and example to the owner as well as they lawyer and others who will be involved in this process.  We trust and know that God will provide the $24,000 ($21,000 for land, $3,000 for paperwork, fees, lawyer) that is needed.  How wonderful it is to know that He is in control and wants to do mighty things in our midst!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).


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