Its hard to believe that the fall construction trip has reached the halfway point.  Seems like just yesterday we were up in the states picking up the 8 brothers and 1 sister from Puyallup WA.  They arrived safely in El Paso on Friday and we spent Friday and Saturday shopping, purchasing equipment and preparing to head into Mexico.  The original plan was to pick up 34 windows and bring them down.  However, as the bible says, "a man's heart plans his ways, but the LORD directs his steps" (Prov 16:9).  The Lord had a different plan for us.  The windows which were suppose to arrive on Friday, didn't come in until Sunday.  This was a bit of a bummer, however, "no hay problema". actually worked out for the good.  This enabled us to purchase all of the plumbing stuff as well as the bulk of the electrical as well.  We were fully prepared and ready to pay the 16% tax to cross good into Mexico.  The gal we talked to was very nice, very helpful and in fact gave us some VERY valuable information.  She shared that with a letter from the church, to the mayor of Bachiniva...stating that we would like to donate items to the orphanage, we can then bring that signed letter from the mayor and cross items TAX free.  What a blessing this was to hear, as this will save additional money.  So truly, the Lord always works things out for good. Here's the team trying to figure out how to fill our their visa forms...

Pastor Ron shared the word on Sunday.  He is teaching us through the book of 1st Timothy.  The Church was packed and what a blessing it was to see hearts encouraged and strengthened in the Lord.  After church, we all headed to the orphanage for fellowship, food, games and seeing all that God has done so far.  This was the first time the team saw the orphanage as well as a lot of people from the church.  As I saw kids running around, laughing, smiling, enjoying the facility...God gave me a glimpse of whats to come with the orphans He will bring...

Come breakfast time Monday morning, the team was ready and eager to work.  We started with our time of prayer and a Psalm at the orphanage at 7:30 AM.

After prayer, we split the team up into 4 groups...framing, plumbing/septic, cement floor and welding/roofing.  By the end of the first 2 days of work, it was amazing to see all that had taken place...

Judah and Chris, leading the plumbing crew...

El Capitan give direction to the framing crew...

The two Marks...

After 1 day of side almost finished...

Judah weaving his web of plumbing...

2 of our 4, 6,000 liter septic tanks that will be buried 8 feet underground...WOW!

Hanging the 12 foot high trusses...

As we only have a few more work days left, we are trusting and praying for the strength and time to get all the necessary things done.  The team is staying healthy, loving Jesus, loving each other, working great with our Mexican brothers...and plain just having a blast down here.  Thanks for your continued support and prayers!


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