"..continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart" (Acts 2:46). I love reading about the early church...how simplistic it was, how much joy and fellowship took place while talking about Jesus and loving each other.  I saw a wonderful glimpse of the early church this past weekend. We had a wonderful time of ministry and fellowship.  Saturday night, was our quarterly women's dinner.  This is a time where ladies come out for a special dinner, worship and guest speaker.  We were anticipating maybe 25 gals...Praise the Lord, we had 39 ladies show up, and lots of new people!  6 brothers helped cook dinner and serve the ladies while a group of youth took care of the 21 kids.

Jackie sharing on the "Sufficiency of God"

All of the ladies...

We had a baptism planned for a month or so, but were worried we would have to cancel because of the rain.  Praise the Lord He gave us a gorgeous sunny day on Sunday and we were rejoicing that He made it.  Over 60 people traveled up to the lake to watch 5 ladies get baptized.  It was truly a most wonderful time.  I've been to a number of baptism' at our home church, but this was my first in a foreign country.  I must say there was something extra special about it.  We spent 3 hours fellowshipping, playing basketball, soccer, eating, and enjoying our church family.

"My chains are gone, I've been set free, my God my Savior has ransomed me.  And like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace!"


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