It seems strange that I have been down in Mexico for over a month now.  How fast the time has flown by.  It was just back in April that we were down here for our vacation and the Lord began to change our world and everything we know of...for the better.  He began to open our eyes for a need and opportunity to care for HIS children down in Bachiniva.  Watching how He has worked things out and continues too, has been one of the biggest blessings in my life.  And now, the day has come, to meet the orphans that we will be caring for in the coming months.  Tomorrow we head up to Creel to meet Ray Wilson, current director of Black Buffalo Ministries...which has been ministering to the orphans of Creel.  We will be meeting him for lunch at the hotel to talk, pray and seek the Lord in how to share and convey all the exciting things that GOD has done and will continue to do in the lives of these children.  Yesterday morning, I was drawn to Psalm 27, and the Lord reminded me of one of my favorite verses... "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me" (Ps 27:10).

Its actually the LORD who has been caring for these children all along.  He has simply just allowed Ray and company...and now share in that blessing and opportunity.  How good it is to know that even in times when we fail, mess up or things change...the Lord remains faithful and He will be the ultimate One who will watch for, care, protect, provide and minister to these precious lambs!

Here is the tentative schedule for the next few days...

Wednesday - lunch with Ray and then heading to the orphanage.  Pastor Luis will be translating as Ray shares the plan and future for the children.  Jackie and I may or may not be there, depending on how the Lord leads.  We are not sure how the children and overseers will take the news.  We want to be sensitive and lead of the Lord!  When the time is right, we will meet the children, either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

Thursday - spend the day at the orphanage...meeting the children, spending time with them, getting to know and playing with them...AND...start loving on them!

Friday - We will be getting all the information of the kids, names and photos of ones we don't have yet.  We will also take inventory of all that they have and that will be coming with them.  Praise the Lord that everything, beds, dressers, tools, equipment, etc...has been given to us....WOW!  We will drive Ray back to Chihuahua to catch his flight and then head back home Saturday AM.

Saints, PLEASE be in prayer over the next few days.  We know that this is completely and totally of the Lord and his leading.  He has opened every single door and led our every step thus far.  He has confirmed on Ray's heart, his family as well as his board of directors that this is a God ordained change.  We have been praying and praying for this moment.  We have been praying for Leno and Lupe, the onsite overseers who have faithfully cared for these children.  Please pray that their hearts would be opened and ministered to as they see and hear what God is doing.  We have been praying for all the children, young and old.  We have asked that God too would prepare their hearts for the upcoming transition.  There is a sense that some of the older ones may choose to stay....which if that is what the Lord wills, we desire that too.  Praise God a number of them have acquired and maintained jobs...something we have also prayed for.

"Hear the voice of my supplications when I cry to You, when I lift up my hands toward your holy sanctuary" (Ps 28:2).

Here are the names of the children....

Victor Luna, Javier Willochi, Annabelle Gonzalez, Rojelio Cobos, Anna Guillermina, Mary Cobos, Suzanna Batista, Alma Franco, Gabriella Nunez, Jaunita Cobos, Marie Isabel Willochi, Cesar Castillo, Marta Batista, Rosa Willochi, Betia Ramirez, Viri Ramirez, Gabriella Franco, Valaria Martinez, Rosa ester Franco, Jesus Nunez, Juanita Batista, Gerardo Cruz, Blanca Jil, Carali Jil, Jose Valancia, Lili Cobo, Luis Cadena, Saul Cadena, Juan Safiro, Rey Batista.

Thank you for your heartfelt prayers and petitions...!

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