For those of you who follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you have met our newest little addition, Esmi. Esmi is 7 years old and she is the sister of Tonio (who is also with us). She came into our care two weeks ago. Her father was killed 4 years ago and Esmi's mother is hoping for a better life and future for both Esmi and Tonio. Esmi is a beautiful and bright, yet very feisty young gal. We were able to enroll her right away in school and she is doing great thus far.
Speaking of school, it has been exactly a month since the children started school and all 10 of them are doing well. Although some of are below the average student their age, learning wise, they are enjoying school and seem eager to learn how to read, write, count, etc!
Our days now are quite different, especially in the morning. Getting 10 children ready for school can be a little tricky. Wakeup call is at 6:30 AM. The kids do a great job of getting dressed, making their beds and prepping their backpacks. We have breakfast at 7:00 and then walk the kids to catch the bus @ 7:40 AM. After school is probably the most important time of our day. The entire staff ceases doing their normal work duties and we spend 2-3 hours with the kids, tutoring and assisting them with their homework. I do my best to only help the elementary kids because I can understand their homework, especially math. I made the mistake onetime of trying to help the junior high kids and I was very humbled. At the age of 34, I have no clue how to do decimals, fractions, etc. It brought me back to my days of schooling and algebra…days that I try not to think about!
Waiting for the "Independence Parade"...(I think my wife is the most excited)
The older students were required to march in the parade...
As our family continues to grow, so do the needs. To fully and adequately care for a child at Casa de Bendicion, it costs $200 a month. This enables each child to have the proper care from the staff, food, clothes, school uniforms and supplies, medical and dental check-ups, private tutoring as well as money to help teach the children how to save and tithe. God has been faithful to provide 14 families, individuals and churches, thus far, that help support our children anywhere from $40-$100 a month. Our prayerful desire would be that every child would be fully supported on a monthly basis.
This is where I would ask that if you, or your family, or church, might be interested in knowing more about this, or, have a tugging on your heart to help, please let me know. I don’t want to create just another “program” where people can “sponsor” a child on a monthly basis for “X” amount of dollars. We really want to build a relationship between the children at the orphanage, and those that support them. The support we are looking for is not just money. Obviously, when we moved down here, it was in faith, trusting that God would provide, and move and those hearts HE desires, to come alongside us. As I look back over the past 2 years, it is UNBELIEVABLE how God has been faithful to provide hundreds of thousands of dollars. The number of churches, families and individuals that continue to come alongside us, pray for us, visit us, etc, grows daily. I am confident that as God continues to bring the children, He will continue to bring the finances and resources as well.
As we are seeking a commitment from people, we are making a commitment as well. We want to make sure that you have all the up to date information regarding the child you are supporting. Every 1-2 months we want to provide you an update with photos, prayer requests and praise reports, school report as well as an overall update of how your child is doing. We also pray that one day you might be able to join a missions trip, or just come down with your family to meet your child and spend some time hanging out and serving at the orphanage.
Please take time to pray and seek the Lord on this and let me know if this is something that you would be interested in becoming a part of.
Here are the children that are still in need of monthly supporters...
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly place" (Ephesians 1:3).
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