I had a wonderful time this past week, up in Seattle. It’s always great being reunited with family, friends and our home church. The week was packed with meetings, teaching at churches, leading worship and our golf tournament. Although it was a long and tiring week, it was an incredibly fruitful and productive time. Thank you so much to all those who participated and helped out with our 2nd annual golf invitational. We had our biggest turnout, 78 players, who joined us for a beautiful day of golf, fellowship and raising money for the orphanage. When it was all said and done, we were able to raise $5,000 that we would like to put towards the purchase of a bigger van.
Part of the reason we are in great need of a 15 passenger van, is because our family continues to grow down at the orphanage. In fact, when I left, we had 4 children we’ve been caring for. When I return tomorrow, with a team of 11 people from Washington, we will have 9 children in the home. God brought us 5 more children this past week, who we now have the blessed privilege of caring for and ministering to.
Little Aaron has come from the mountains of Naquiachi. My friend Aaron Wiens and his wife, have been pastoring a church up in the mountains about 3 hours away. This young 10 year old boy has quickly become a part of their family, spending every waking moment he can with them. Little Aaron lives with his drunk and abusive uncle. Both his grandmother and mom are wanting a better life for him, especially now, as it is marijuana picking season. This is the time when the drug cartels come into towns to lure the youth into their organization. The temptation of money, drugs, women, etc, is often to great to say no. As a result of this temptation and offer, many teens (as young as a 10 year old) leave their homes and usually never return. Aaron and his wife brought little Aaron to Casa de Bendicion last week and he is adjusting well. What a blessing, knowing that this young boy was snatched out of the grips of the enemy. Now, we are praying he will be brought into Jesus’ marvelous light!
"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9).
We have been praying on another 4 kids (all siblings) the past few months, who are in a very difficult home situation. We were seeking the Lord for the right time for when or if, these children should come into our care. God made it evident that they were indeed to be in the home and they came in officially this past Sunday night. Adriana (12) Pablo (9) Mida (7) and Gale (2) have basically been raising and taking care of themselves. There is no father in the picture and their mother is barely around. Whether she is out working or cruising the streets, drinking and meeting men, the kids are left at home alone. Their mother has expressed that she loves her children, which is why she is wanting them to be in a better, healthier, safer environment.
The fab four (as Jackie calls them) came in on Sunday night. It is a huge adjustment, going from 4 children to 9, but the Lord is showing Himself strong in our midst. He is giving our team great strength, as well as bigger hearts, to love and care for these children!
We could use your prayers for a number of different things right now…
- Please pray for Aaron, Adrianna, Pablo, Mida and Gale. Pray that they continue to adjust to their new living situation, as well as have hearts open to Jesus and His love for them.
- Please pray for a 15 passenger van. We are asking that the Lord provides one soon, as we now have 14 people to transport around. If you have any insight or know of one available, please let me know.
- Please pray for the team of 11, from South Hill Calvary, who will be serving with us for the next week, helping with VBS, cement work, plumbing and loving on the children.
- Please pray about helping support a child on a monthly basis. As our family continues to grow, so do the expenses to facilitate and care for the children. If you feel like you or your family or your church, would like to help support one of our 9 kids, please let me know!
May you all have a blessed day. Thank you again for your faithful prayers on our behalf!
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