The Steadfast Love...

This past Monday I had a meeting at the high school.  It was the first time i’ve been there since things shut down back in March.  My temperature was checked at the door, seats were marked with an X for social distance seating, and of course everyone had their face masks on.  The teacher talked about how the students are doing working remotely, possible plans for when the school might reopen and then passed out the first quarter report cards.  We are REALLY proud of Carolina who is in 11th grade.  She is excelling in school and had an overall score of 9.4 out of 10.  Even though school has been either from her room or the office, she is doing a fantastic job.

At the end of the meeting, the teacher said something really interesting.  He was talking about the challenges that some of the students and families are facing doing remote schooling.  One of those being the amount of cellphone data that is needed for assignments and communication.  For the high school, all communication and homework assignments are done virtually via an app called WhatsApp. He went on to say that normally when the students would come to class, he would collect their cellphones in a box so they wouldn’t be a distraction during class.  Now, students are having to rely on their phones because that IS their class time.  He finished by saying “isn’t it interesting how things in our world have flipped around due to this pandemic.”

Some might call it “the new norm” or “unprecedented times.” 2020 will definitely be a year that will always be remembered and really changed the course of things.  It was so difficult having to cancel missions trips, golf tournaments, speaking engagements, basically everything this year. Especially because those things are such a vital part in what we do down here in Mexico.

Thankfully, even in the midst of a global pandemic and things being completely turned upside down and cancelled, we have a God who forever remains faithful.  He has continued to show His faithfulness every single day.

Take our annual House of Blessing Golf Tournament for instance.  Having had to cancel our two physical tournaments in WA and FL, someone suggested having a “virtual” event.  I really had no idea how this would turn out or if it would even work.  I was absolutely amazed to see over 45 people who participated, playing golf, mini-golf and disc golf from 3 different states, and raised over $2100.  Amazing!

What about our Back To School Drive?  Normally, we do a big drive every year to raise money for school supplies, fees, uniforms, etc for all our kiddos.  Since school is remote and via television, I wasn’t sure there would be an interest to raise funds.  Once again, I was amazed.  A church in Oregon raised over $2600 to help with school needs.  Incredible!

As we head into the weekend may we be forever reminded of the goodness of the Lord and these wonderful words…

Lamentations 3:22-23…The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; GREAT is Your faithfulness.

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HOB Virtual Golf Event

For the past 8 years, the House of Blessing (HOB) orphanage, located in Bachiniva Chihuahua Mexico, has been a part of an annual charitable Golf Tournament in beautiful Washington State.  Over the years, hundreds of golfers have come out to play and raise tens of thousands of dollars for the orphanage.  Last years tournament was our biggest one to date, raising over $16,000. We were so excited to not only have our tournament in Washington, but also one in West Palm Beach Florida. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we were forced to cancel both our tournaments this year.  This was definitely a bummer and disappointment, however, the HOB Golf Committee and Board of Directors came up with an exciting, new alternative.  We are very excited to announce our first ever House of Blessing “virtual” Golf Event.  We hope with these new twists’ on our normal golf tournament, we will still be able to accomplish 2 things. Those who love golf and tournaments will have a chance to get out, enjoy fresh air and play golf. We also will be able to help raise funds to support the orphanage and work in Mexico.

We are also excited because unlike a normal golf tournament, people from all over the United States can join in on this special event. Our Golf Event will be held the week of September 18-26. For some people, it might be a challenge to play golf on one specific day. This is why we are having the event for a week.

Please take a moment to check out our promo video below that has all of the details about the event. You can also visit our brand new website, to get details, registered, etc.

Help us spread the word by sharing the event and video on social media, with your friends, churches, etc.

Looking forward to this time. If you have additional questions you can contact the golf committee at or

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The Waiting Game

August has always been a very special month in our family.  15 years ago, on August 27th, my wife and I were married.  8 years ago, on August 13th, my family and I moved down to Bachiniva Mexico to purchase 40 acres and begin building the House of Blessing Orphanage.  And then there is today, August 31st.  Today is special and very unusual all at the same time.  Not only is it the first day of school, but the first day of “virtual” school. Carolina is starting her junior year of high school, Natalia is in 6th grade and our daughter Ayantu Faith is in 5th.

Like so many of you are experiencing, Mexico launched its new school year with remote learning from home due to COVID-19.  Because 95% of Mexicans have TV, Mexico opted to broadcast school classes via 6 different TV stations.  I honestly never thought I would have to get a TV subscription for my child to go to school.

Indeed, we are in very peculiar and difficult times.

2020, was supposed to be one of the most exciting years here at the House Of Blessing.  We had 9 teams scheduled from all over the United States to come down and serve with us.  We had not only 1 but 2 golf tournaments scheduled in Washington and Florida to raise funds for HOB.  I had 5 speaking engagements throughout the states to share about the ministry.  My wife and I strategically planned our 15 year wedding anniversary trip to New York.  All the travel arrangements and lodging were booked and we were ready to go in April.  And then, my siblings and I had our family reunion scheduled for July.  My four siblings and I along with our spouses and a whole lot of children (15 of them) were to descend upon the beautiful town of Leavenworth for an incredible week.

However, all of that drastically came to a halt due to the Global Pandemic. Mexico closed schools nationwide in March.  Both USA & Mexico agreed to close its border indefinitely, for all non-essential travel. We either tried to reschedule OR had to cancel event after event, trip after trip, activity after activity.  And then suddenly, just like that, what was shaping up to be a busy, exciting and eventful year, has become a very quiet and difficult year.  A most trying time of patience, trust, endurance and the ever difficulty of “waiting”.

The orphanage temporarily closed its doors on Monday, March 16 as well, and continues to remain closed. 10 of our 12 children were relocated to quarantine with their moms.  What we thought was only going to be 3 or 4 weeks has turned into 4 months and counting.  Two girls, Natalia and Carolina, moved into our house as they unfortunately do not have mothers who have the ability nor desire to care for them.

I’ll be honest with you, the past 5 1/2 months have been incredibly challenging and difficult in light of everything that has transpired.  It would be pretty easy and at times tempting to call it quits, to give up, retire, etc, etc.  I have really had to cling to David’s beautiful words that he wrote in Psalm 27

“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!”

And so the waiting game continues. Let us not lose heart though, as we WILL continue to see the goodness of the Lord during this time.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, encouragement and financial support. Please continue to check your emails for more updates as well as our website, and facebook page,

Jason and Jackie Sanchez

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