I’m very excited to finally be able to share with you all about the incredible success we had with this years House of Blessing golf tournament. Once again this year, we hosted tournaments in both Washington and Florida. Last year, we raised over $16,000 between the two events. We were hoping to raise more than that this year, especially with the start of our new school.
Well, we raised well above that number. In fact, between both our WA and FL tournaments we raised $21,343.00. WOW … unbelievable! To all of you that came out to our events to either play, volunteer, support of just hangout. Thank you so very much. To all of our sponsors who generously donated, thank you very much. To the support staff that help with graphics, fliers, pictures, videos, website, etc. Thank you very much. Because of everyones hard work, we are able to bless our new school with over $21,000. WHAT A BLESSING!
The school year began this past September 5th and things are going incredibly well. We have 54 beautiful students from Kinder to Jr High that have the opportunity to receive a wonderful education. Our amazing staff of teachers and personnel have done an outstanding job caring for these wonderful students All of this is truly made possible because of events like these golf tournaments.
So thank you again for your prayers and support for House of Blessings new adventure and chapter. We have made a few different recap videos of both golf tournaments. Please check out the links below for both the WA and FL tournament recap videos!
Florida Tournament RECAP!
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