This past Father’s day was extra special for me for a few reasons.  It happened to fall on the same day as my wife’s 31st birthday and my dad and his wife happened to be in town as well, visiting.  So in one day I was able to celebrate my wife’s birth, get a few presents for Father’s day from all the kids here at the orphanage, as well as hangout with my dad and watch the 115th US Open Championship.

For as long as I can remember, Father’s day in the Sanchez home was the same every single year.  It was very simple and consisted of 3 main things, food, golf and sleep.  It was our dad’s request to eat snacks and watch the final round of the US Open for golf.  At a young age, I viewed this as a boring time that took 4 hours.  However, as I got older, I began to appreciate those Sunday’s all the more.  I started learning more about the game, but mainly, just appreciating the time I got to spend with my dad.

Spending time with my dad this Father’s day was a very special moment that I will treasure.  We were very thankful (more so my dad) for the high speed internet we know have here, and the ability to watch the final round online.  Man, was it an incredible round.  For those of you who love golf or watched it, you know what I’m talking about.

Watching the tournament got me VERY excited for our annual “Golf Invitational.” In just 4 weeks, our home church, the Chapel Church, will once again host its 7th annual Golf Invitational that will sponsor the orphanage.  Friends, family members, churches, businesses and golfers from all over will gather together on Saturday, July 25th for a wonderful day of playing golf, hanging out and raising money for Casa de Bendicion.

As always, I’m extra excited because I get to spend the week up in Washington, teaching at various churches and then participating in the tournament.  I would love to see as many of you as possible come out for this very special day.

If you would like more information regarding how to get registered, how you or your business can sponsor the tournament, or have any other questions, please check out the website,  You can also get in contact with myself or, Mike Melchior who is the golf tournament director.

Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing someone of you next month!

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