“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

I think about these words that Solomon penned as I look back on the things that have taken place the past 3 weeks.  There are things that we have rejoiced in and other things that have been very difficult.  No matter what the circumstance or situation was or is, Solomon reminds us it has happened or is happening for a reason.  This can be frustrating and hard to understand at times, especially when it’s something difficult.  However, Solomon encourages us later on in his writing with these words…

He (God) has made everything BEAUTIFUL in its time…”(Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Yes, there is a season for hard things, but the Lord makes EVERYTHING beautiful in its time…OR…in His perfect timing.

Two weeks ago, the Lord brought into our care 10 year old Jesus Miguel.  Jesus Miguel’s mom (Belen) contacted us and asked if we would consider taking in her son.  Belen’s story is like most of the other children’s moms.  She is single, trying to work and raise children at the same time.  Jesus has been a handful for her and she was in need of a breakthrough in his life.  We have seen that breakthrough already in the past 2 weeks.  He has adjusted well to his new home and “roommates,” and has been consistently going to school more than he has in the past.  Jesus Miguel loves to eat, play outside, and draw.

Another VERY exciting thing took place last week.  The Lord brought us a young mother named Mary and her 3 beautiful girls: Zuleyma (pronounced Zoo-ley) (4 yrs), Delia (2 yrs), and Victoria (5 months).

A lot of the children in our home have been brought by their mothers in need of help.  This has given us great opportunities not only to care for children, but also to share the gospel and minister to the moms.  Up until now, it has only been children living with us.  That has now changed with Mary and her daughters.

Mary is a young, 20 yr old mother of 3 who does not know how to read, write, tell time, count, or even know when her birthday is.  A local Mennonite woman has basically been raising the children for Mary and has tried to help her as much as she can.  It had gotten to be too much for her, so she reached out to us to see if we could help.

My first thought was, “well we can help with the kids, but I don’t think we can take in the mom.”  The Lord quickly reminded me of his words in James 1:27

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and WIDOWS in their trouble.”

Technically, Mary might not be a widow because she hasn’t had a  husband who has died.  She’s actually never been married.  However, Mary and her daughters have been abandoned, and she is in trouble.  So I felt as if the Lord was telling me…this is a new season of not only caring for orphans, but widows (or single mothers) who are in trouble as well.

Mary and the girls moved in last Wednesday and it has been going very well.  Obviously, it’s been a little noisier with a 5 month and 2 year old crying and fussing, but, man, we are falling in love with these girls.  Mary has opened up and really has a desire to learn how to be a good mom.  She is doing great thus far.  She wants to understand and learn about the Lord, learn how to work, cook, read, write…basically everything.  We have the JOY and privilege of coming alongside her and her daughters and watching these things unfold.  Thank you Jesus!

So, for a few days our house was full with 14 children and a mom.  Unfortunately, one of our little boys was removed from the home and placed with an aunt.  We got a call fromthe DIF last week letting us know that they wanted to take Jesus Alfredo and place him with his aunt.  This was very difficult to hear.  They didn’t give us a lot of details or explanation other then that they felt it would be better for him to be with his aunt and siblings.

Will Alfredo continue to learn how to read and write while going to school?  Will his family take him to church so he can continue learning about Jesus’ love for him? Will Alfredo have a warm bed, hot meal, and roof over his head all of the time?  These are questions we all asked and that were left unanswered.  I don’t know what will happen with Alfredo.  But, the Lord does, and we must lay all of these questions at the feet of Jesus.  We must trust that EVERYTHING is made beautiful in His time.  We definitely will miss this sweet little guy and we pray that the Lord will continue ministering to his heart.

Solomon says, “to EVERYTHING there is a season…”  Everything happens for a God ordained reason and purpose.  The Lord knows exactly what He is doing and chooses the timing in which to accomplish it!

Thank you all for your faithful and continual prayers…they are most definitely needed!

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