One of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions growing up was the annual Sanchez family (and friends) Turkey Bowl.  A fierce, intense, and at times painful football game at some random park.  Two teams battling it for ultimate victory bragging rights. Afterwards usually included a Starbucks run and then of course, ibuprofen to help with the pain settling in.

The last Turkey bowl we were apart of was in Nashville a few years ago.  What a wonderful time gathering with my 2 brothers, their spouses and our daughters.  No sons, just 8 beautiful, strong and wonderful daughters.

I love Thanksgiving and have definitely missed certain traditions since moving down to Mexico.  Of course, this evening we will feast on turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, etc.  But the day, was business as usual.  Woke up early to drive the school bus and pick up students.  I taught my 5 music classes, the girls were in school, Jackie taught her usual kindergarten students and then it was time to take students home at 2:40.

Today was definitely extra special though.  As I watched our students and teachers working, studying, laughing, learning and playing, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness.  As I listened to my music students continue to practice and learn their Christmas Posada songs, my heart was blessed and encouraged.

What an amazing opportunity our team and staff of 14 have here to invest in the lives of these 95 students, their families and our community.  What a blessing it has been to have so many of you partner with us in prayer, financial contributions and visits.  Because of all the support we receive on a daily, monthly and yearly basis, we are able to continue are mission of caring for children, partnering with families and investing in our community.

So on this very special Thanksgiving Day, thank you to ALL OF YOU.  We love and appreciate you so very very much.  I pray and hope that your day has been special and filled with love, family, friends and gratitude.

Blessings to you all…


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